FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect from a therapy session?


The sessions are tailored to meet your individual needs, with the option for 60 or 90-minute appointments typically scheduled on a weekly basis. The format of each session is flexible and adapts to your current needs and goals. This means that no two sessions are the same; some days, you might find yourself sharing and reflecting more, while on others, you may focus on processing and releasing certain emotions. The approach depends on what you're working through and how you're feeling at the moment.


How often should I book a session?


Although sessions can be booked bi-weekly or at less regular intervals, starting with weekly sessions is recommended for optimal effectiveness and outcomes. Dedicating an hour each week to focus on your well-being can significantly enhance the benefits of therapy, especially in the early stages.


How much does a therapy session cost?


Initial Consultation (90 minutes)  –  €140

Individual Therapy (60 minutes)  –  €100

EMDR Session (90 minutes)  –  €140

Couple's Therapy (60 minutes)  –  €120

Couple's Therapy (90 minutes)  –  €170


Is the therapy covered by health insurance?


Unfortunately, German state health insurance does not cover the costs of sessions with me. However, many private health insurances and supplementary health insurance for naturopathic treatments (Heilpraktiker-Zusatzversicherung) may reimburse you for therapy expenses, either partially or in full. It's important to check with your insurance provider beforehand to understand what reimbursements you might be eligible for. I will then issue an invoice for the services provided according to the Fee Schedule for Naturopaths (Heilpraktiker-Gebührenordnung).


Couple's therapy is an investment in your future together. It is not eligible for health insurance coverage and must be paid out of pocket.


➺ benefits of paying privately


In Berlin, there are currently long waiting times for a therapy spot with licensed psychotherapists. Self-financed therapy offers the advantage of getting an appointment quickly. This choice also keeps your therapy confidential from your health insurance company, preserving your privacy and avoiding potential implications for insurance applications or public service eligibility.


➺ tax deductible


As someone who pays for therapy out of pocket, you might be able to claim your therapy expenses as tax-deductible "extraordinary costs" if they exceed a certain portion of your income. For specific details on how to apply these deductions, please consult with the tax office or a tax advisor.


How long does therapy take?


Everyone's journey is unique, so the length of therapy can differ greatly from person to person. I don't believe people should be in therapy forever. However, changing core beliefs and deep-rooted patterns takes time. Some people only need a few sessions to make significant changes, while others require more patience to delve deeper, evolve, and achieve results.


My goal is to help you reach a point where you can lead a satisfying life, without relying on therapy sessions. Your only responsibility is to stay engaged and open-minded, ready to explore and open to change.


What is the cancellation policy?


I operate on an appointment basis, meaning I reserve the therapy hour for you. if you need to cancel or reschedule it's important to let me know at least 24 hours in advance. This allows me the chance to offer the time slot to someone else. If you cancel with less notice, please understand that I reserve the right to charge the full session fee since I can't reallocate the appointment.


I've had therapy before. How will this be different?


Many people coming to me have been in therapy before. You, too, might have experienced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or traditional talk therapy, acquiring strategies to cope better, yet find yourself continuing to wrestle with deep-seated emotions. It's possible you're in search of a therapy that offers more profound, foundational change. My approach emphasizes transformational work that dives fully into emotions and relationships, changing how you feel and relate to yourself and others. The goal is to help you not just gain insight, but to experience a profound shift in your emotional well-being and sense of self.


How can I find the practice at Leisepark?


For those traveling by public transport to my Psychotherapy Practice

(as per the Heilpraktikergesetz) in Berlin's Prenzlauer Berg:


➺ Take the M2 tram to the Prenzlauer Allee/Metzer Str. stop.
➺ Alternatively, the M4 tram will bring you to the Am Friedrichshain stop.


My practice is on the ground floor of the front building.

Please note, parking in the area is subject to fees.


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